Software for Estimate Calculation Using Rural rates for Employment

Rural Development Department

Union Territory of Ladakh


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No of works received in SECURE


No of works accorded first approval


No of works consumed by NregaSoft


No of works accorded final approval

SECURE is a workflow based system. In SECURE, the work name & work codes are received from Mahatma Gandhi NREGA MIS to the concerned Block/GP AE/Overseer login after the approval of Labour budget. The AE/Overseer of the Block/GP creates the detailed estimate, includes drawings, location map and photograph of the works site before starting the work. As per the Government procedure adopted by the state, the above estimates are accorded AS/TS sanctions and subsequently AS/TS slips are generated from the system. SECURE soft generates Detailed Project Report (DPR) which includes AS/TS No, AS/TS date, total estimate amount, total material Cost & list of materials used in the estimate with quantity, total semiskilled, Skilled manpower cost, total unskilled wages, activity carried out in each work, No of man days( Unskilled manpower).

For creating an estimate every state is being used their own LMR rates, SOR as per their state specific rule adopted for MGNREGS works. Whenever LMR changes, estimates which are not accorded TS will get automatically recalculated with new rate.

SECURE is managed by administration module for user creation, office management, and data entry of SoR / LMR, and uploading photographs, news & Government Orders. User ids are created based on the staff details of the GP, Block, District & State.

After According AS/TS sanctions in SECURE, all details related to AS/TS, activity & material may be pulled from SECURE to Nregasoft through web services. This will eliminate re-entering the details like AS/TS No, AS/TS date, total estimate amount, total material Cost, total semiskilled Cost, total Skilled cost, total unskilled wages, Activity carried out in each work, No of man days in Nregasoft. Work allocation and muster roll generation should takes place in the MIS after completing the above processes.

  • Estimates are creation and according AS/TS sanction is online, anytime and anywhere it can be accessed.
  • Estimates creation time is very less.
  • Estimate accuracy can be ensured.
  • Speedy approval of estimates which reduces delay in issue of AS & TS.
  • Estimate status and file movement can be tracked at any level.
  • Recalculation of estimates are done automatically when ever LMR changes.
  • State specific SOR & rates are used for creating estimates.
  • State specific work flow can be adopted in SECURE.
  • E Governance ensured with transparency & accountability.
  • Management Information System (MIS) reports can be generated.
  • Centralized user management system.
  • Green initiative.